“I don’t know what’s going on right now. I wanted to meet you for the first time. I’ve met you before, but never really met you. I had an experience last week of being here, and it’s so delicious, but if I look for it I can’t find...
Truth will set you Free
We're here only for the Truth. The Truth will set free. If what you want is the truth more than anything, the truth is the burning ground of freedom. If what you want is anything else you'll miss the mark. If what you want is...
Full Responsibility
I had a profound awakening in 1971, a classic enlightenment experience. I'm a product of the sixties. I was extruded through that mold. You know, so those of you who are of my same generation, you get extruded through the mold...
The Secret Key of Liberation – Discovering Who you are NOT
When I first met Eli Jaxon-Bear in 2002, I knew very little about the Enneagram and nothing about deep trance work. I had met his wife Gangaji just over a year prior, whose presence and wisdom literally stopped me in my tracks—it...
Der Schlüssel zur Befreiung – Entdecke, wer du NICHT bist
Als ich Eli Jaxon-Bear 2002 zum ersten Mal begegnete, wusste ich sehr wenig über das Enneagramm und überhaupt nichts über die Arbeit mit tiefen Trancezuständen. Erst ein Jahr zuvor hatte ich Gangaji zum ersten Mal getroffen, deren Präsenz und Weisheit mich radikal zum...
“When you can recognize who you are not, then there is a possibility to wake up and discover who you really are.”