An Outlaw Makes it Home: The Awakening of a Spiritual Revolutionary (Audio Book CD Set)



Audio Book CD Set.

SKU: BOK-Outlaw Makes it Home-Audiobook Categories: , ,

An Outlaw Makes It Home: The Awakening of a Spiritual Revolutionary

An Outlaw Makes It Home: The Awakening of a Spiritual Revolutionary. This memoir by Eli Jaxon-Bear is an exciting, funny and deeply personal memoir. From being attacked by possemen on a civil rights march in Alabama to becoming a federal fugitive in a cabin in Colorado, Jaxon-Bear’s life then leads us to the uncharted Andes, a Zen Monastery in Japan and a Sufi initiation in Morocco. We are taken on a roller coaster adventure of discovery in the search for freedom and finally finding true love and fulfillment. We see the tests and challenges that confront all of us as we navigate through life in the search for happiness.

"Outlaw rocks!. . .brutally honest yet deeply loving. This takes great courage. Bravo!"
Ed and Deb Shapiro
Authors, meditation teachers

"An Outlaw Makes It Home, bares it all in this rapid fire compilation of adventures. A serious quest for spiritual wisdom and enlightenment with a startling turn in the heartwarming discovery after an eighteen year search.
Jaxon-Bear does not spare himself or try to polish his flaws and mistakes: in that regard, he is a warrior. I consumed this book in huge gulps and would do it again. I urge others to read it."

       Peter Coyote, Emmy award winning actor and author of The Rainman’s Third Cure

"An Outlaw Makes It Home, can be seen as a coming of age story, a modern journey of self-discovery, but it is also a classic hero’s journey: an odyssey and a return home.
What a journey, and what a home! Eli takes us from a shattering moment in a Brooklyn childhood through radical and sometimes terrifying times in the 60’s, being literally outside the law, escape to Peru, lots of drugs and women, Japan, Morocco, India, learning to be a farmer of sorts back home in the US.... all the way to waking up and discovering what home truly is.
His honesty about fear and failure are very moving, but what really shines forth from these pages is a fierce love and commitment to the truth.
I absolutely loved An outlaw makes it home!"

Nancy Baker, Professor of Philosophy Emerita, Sarah Lawrence College and Zen Roshi in NYC

"I couldn’t put it down. A raw honest and heart opening account of a love-warriors journey through chaos and rebellion into enlightenment. I highly recommend this book to everyone. It brings us on the journey from the 60s rebellion to 21st century consciousness transformation. Bravo Eli!"

Dr. Howard Morningstar


"AN OUTLAW MAKES IT HOME: An inspiring adventure story, taking us from the mountains of Peru to the streets of India on a breath-taking search for enlightenment."

Russell Targ, physicist and writer. Limitless Mind: Remote viewing and transformation of consciousness.

"I'm blown away by this magnificent life journey!--that you were never to be held back by anything, period. I was shown, in many passages, how I regularly accept lesser versions of myself instead of pushing through those points that need to be transcended. Thanks for all the lessons, insights and anecdotes."

Daniel Boeskey

"I am awed by his mythic journey of self exploration towards awakening. Eli relentlessly pursues justice, challenges his traditional teachings and constantly follows the sacred  path of the spiritual seeker.
A true Godwrestler of the Yehudi tribe, I bow to Eli for declaring and living his truth: “Any path can lead home. It is the heart of the seeker not the path that is important.” This book is a fast moving page turner, alive and exciting. I applaud Eli’s honesty, drive and natural story telling ability."

Rabbi Sue Morningstar, Ashland, OR

"Teachings I'd never known yet somehow recognized as doors of understanding opened my mind and heart. A compelling read, Eli's brutal honesty constantly blowing my mind while traveling through the Revolution of the Sixties… witnessing the Liberation into true Freedom bringing me home to my Self! Thank you for taking this bodacious journey."

Rev. Sue Adams, Minister of The Lord's Chapel, Winchester, Va

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 1 × 9.5 × 11.5 in
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