Articles EN

New York Report

Wegweiser Magazine September, 2001 I was on the first flight that was allowed into New York after the September 11th, attack.  For security reasons the flights before and after mine on that day were cancelled that day. Luckily mine got through. When we flew...

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What do you really want ?

KGS Magazine 2002 This question is probably one that you ask the most often. Why is it so important to decide what we really want? What does answering this question lead to? First of all, it is crucial to realize that when I ask...

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The essence of evil

Advaita Journal Humberg, Germany, December 2003 I have been asked to write about evil. Evil is a wonderful word in English because if you look at it in a mirror it reads Live. Evil is anti-life. As long as there is the appearance...

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Mirror Mirror

Article and Interview in Australia's NOVA Magazine Vol 12 No 6, August, 2005 At first glance, the Enneagram appears to be simply a rather pretty geometric shape, a nine-pointed star with enough symmetry to please the eye, and...

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We all love to laugh

Article for Connections Magazine, April 2011 We all love to laugh. When we are laughing we are not thinking and this brief relief from thought adds to the feeling of happiness that we get from laughing. A confirming sign of...

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“When you can recognize who you are not, then there is a possibility to wake up and discover who you really are.”