Leela School Mentors have committed to more than 3 years training with the Leela School and with Eli. They have a high level of proficiency with the skills and a depth of self-realization that allows them to support students in the Leela School courses and mentor students in both personal awakening from the trance of suffering, as well as the use of the skills to support others.
It was at an Enneagram Retreat in 2002 in Hamburg that I met Eli for the first time.
Without ever searching for a teacher and even though in the beginning, I understood only a fraction of what he was saying, it immediately became clear to me that I had found a real teacher.
In some way his words went into the depths by themselves and were heard from something that had always been there.
His invitation to discover and to be true to this deeper quality of being which is present in each and every one of us has been so convincing for me that I consistently followed it from then on.
The enneagram and the therapeutic skills of NLP and clinical hypnosis have proven to be powerful tools to uncover how we veil this precious treasure in us.
When used responsibly it’s like a map that helps us find our way home.
In 2006 I started with the training in Leela Therapy.
In my daily work asan osteopath for adults and babies, these techniques and the unshakable knowlege of our true identity naturally flow into it.
In Silence I can recognize that there is a natural intelligence shining through in everyone that you can follow with your hands or some therapeutic interventions.
I am happy to assist you in looking through the various veils to finally discover your own radiant self.
Being a True Friend, being still and in integrity, is a matter of heart to me. On this ground and with Eli’s invaluable blend of insight, skills, and tools, deep support is possible: for clients in my private practice, for students of the Leela School, for you!
I am looking forward to meeting you!
It is a great joy for me to serve as a mentor in the Leela School. I first met Eli in 2004, and from that moment forward, he has been a true teacher; always guiding my awareness out of the make-believe stories in my head and back to the living presence in my heart.
I’ve discovered that there is nothing I enjoy more than being a True Friend, with a quiet mind and open heart, and helping others to discover the radiance of their own Self.
In my daily work as a chiropractic physician, I find that showing up as a True Friend deepens my interactions with clients and quite naturally illuminates the healing resources already within them. It is a profound blessing to serve in this way!
To book a session:
Margot Gedert

After many years of searching, through sheer grace I found my teacher Gangajiin the late 90’s who pointed clearly to what is deeper and more trustworthy than the circumstances of life, what is always at peace.
Through Gangaji, I met Eli and discovered the Leela School in 2018. The skillful means offered through Eli and the teachers – Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP, and the Enneagram of Character Fixation – have changed my life.
As a True Friend to myself and the world, I experience an expanded capacity from the ground of Presence to meet whatever arises – thoughts, emotions, physical and circumstantial challenges – and be free of the trance of suffering.
I have worked with Native American youth for many years as a Prevention Educator with a focus on trauma and resiliency. I am grateful to bring Eli’s teaching to the children, their families and community, and experience the love and peace that are uncovered naturally. I am here in service to support you in uncovering that love and peace. It is available right now.
I am available for online individual and group sessions. I look forward to meeting you.
After a spontaneous awakening in my early twenties where something very deep, pure and true opened in me, I was ultimately led to my final teacher, Eli Jaxon-Bear. First discovering Eli on public access TV, I immediately noticed his huge smile and my first thought was, ‘there’s no way you can fake that kind of smile,’ and I wanted to discover the origin of that smile for myself.
In a retreat in Lucknow, India with Gangaji and Eli, something shifted. Eli asked a question, ‘what is your life truly about,’ and this question penetrated and stirred deep inside. In returning, my life, as good as it was, was no longer acceptable; simply just amassing and pursuing more pleasures and comforts.
I soon quit my job and moved to Ashland to start working for the Leela Foundation in 2014 and since then have immersed myself in the Leela School. Rooting in the foundation of simply being a True Friend, being quiet, open and receptive has been and continues to be the deepest and most profound teaching, and I am immensely grateful.
Since my teenage years I have been preoccupied with the theme of “Who am I?“
Although things changed over the years, the question “Who am I really?” remained unanswered. I searched for answers in the outer reality, trying out and letting go many things, only to reach for something new again.
Finally, in 2016 on a retreat in Baden Baden, I met Eli and Gangaji and this lead me to the Leela School in Amsterdam. It simply changed my life!
I received and experienced the gift of Eli’s teaching of being a True Friend for the world – guided by the love of a quiet mind and an open heart.
With the support of Eli and the teachers, I learned the skills of Hypnotherapy and NLP and studied the wisdom of the Enneagram. This opened the possibility to become still and discover my true self.
In staying true to that, I am happy to be in service as a Mentor of the Leela School.
You can contact me online or meet me in Berlin/Germany.
To let silence and love lead means living a conscious life in truth and freedom. This is what drives me and what I focus on every day.
Eli and the teachers guide us in exactly that, so for me, The Leela School and the sangha is family, is home. I am deeply grateful to Eli for his teachings of silence and refined skills and the great results in both my own and clients lives. I love to contribute as a skills mentor and be a True Friend in this way.
I strongly believe that everyone already has all the resources they need to be happy and free. Still there are moments where we can help each other to inquire, make courageous choices or heal what limits us. I found that those steps may be necessary to stay true to ourselves and because of that I changed my life a few times radically.
I also love to support you in finding what drives you in life and focus on that because this will deepen your fulfillment and your relationships.
Since 2007 I have a coaching and hypnotherapy practice for entrepreneurs and medical professionals in The Netherlands. I am also a certified financial planner and specialize in behavior.
You are very welcome to contact me for sessions in English German and Dutch.
All that I know
Is that the person doesn’t know
At all.
This stops the moving mind
Opens the heart
Speaking truthfully
And deeper
We meet what never moves
What is always here
In open space
All beliefs of ego
Immerse in the indefinableTruth
Free at last
Back Home
May all beings be happy and free.
This prayer finally brought me to Gangaji and Eli in 2011. Starting the training in Leela Therapy in 2011, I joined the Leela School and was certified in 2017. I am grateful beyond words for all the support I have received over the years to be happy and free.
In service of this prayer I love to offer you what I have received.
Looking forward to meeting you.
You can contact me here:
When you stop and become quiet enough, it is possible to meet any challenge that comes your way. Whether you deal with hardships in your current life, face unresolved pain, or want to pierce through your fixation, I am here to receive you and hold the space for you as a True Friend. When you are willing to see through your story of suffering, you can be happy and free, regardless of your life’s circumstances.
Life has offered me some extraordinary experiences that add to the depth from which I can meet you as a mentor. I overcame childhood cancer, dealt with depression, and battled an alcohol addiction, to name a few.
Today I can truly say that none of these things define me. I have a physical disability and am the parent of a beautiful trans child and even though life can be challenging, the struggle is over. I know what it’s like to face difficulties, and I know happiness is possible no matter what. Whatever is in the way of your happiness and freedom, I would love to support you.
When I first met Eli in 2010, a door opened. It is an honor and a privilege to have drunken from his wisdom and transmission, and I am so grateful for the opportunity of giving back and working with his unique skills set of being a True Friend.
I look forward to meeting you.
A website is on its way and in the meantime, you can reach me here:
or here:
+31 6 27040667
The Leela School has been life changing for me. I wake every day regardless of challenges feeling alive and ready to meet what’s here. I can honestly say I have more joy than I thought possible. After being with Eli since 2008 and then Certified in 2017 in Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP and seeing through the Enneagram of character fixation, I realize everyone already has the wisdom they need, just waiting to be uncovered.
Meeting you with a quiet mind and an open heart, all is possible in this inquiry into what’s real and wanted. In my private practice of 35 years being a Bodywork Specialist, Colon Hydrotherapist and Reiki Master/Teacher, I now include these sessions both individually, working with couples and also children in support of discovering one’s own true Self. I am available for a 15 minute meeting or full session anytime and look forward to meeting with you.
Either on Zoom or in person in Byron Bay, Australia
My email is
Mobile phone: +61 4078 444 91
I have been offering psychotherapy to individuals, couples and groups for the last 25 years. In 2018 I was inspired by Eli and Gangaji’s visit to Aotearoa, New Zealand, and this led me to start my journey with the Leela school.
Diving headlong into the modules in Australia, USA and Amsterdam, I experienced a transformation both personally and professionally. Being present, welcoming everything, and dropping all identifications quieted my inner chatter, creating space for me to discover the awareness of being home; and even more, realising that home is here, home is always here.
I love to sit with clients and students, as together we explore the mystery of life, inviting and embracing all that arises.
I welcome your email. Please contact me at