The Video Satsang Program

The Video Satsang program is an opportunity for people to gather in an intimate setting, sit in silence, and watch recorded meetings with Eli, or Gangaji and Eli together. After the video you are welcome to leave in silence or stay and visit with the group.

Video Satsang Hosts

In the list of local event organizers you can find the Video Satsang hosts in you neighborhood.

Hosting Video Satsang

If you want to host Video Satsang yourself, here are a few simple steps to get started.

  • The first step is to find a location where you can show the videos. This could be your own living room, a friend’s house, or a room in a local community building. The minimum requirements are a video or DVD player and a television set large enough that all the attendees can easily view the screen.
  • The second step is to secure a source of videos of meetings. Many start their groups with videos that they have previously accumulated. When these videos have been viewed, additional videos can be purchased from The Leela Foundation. Donations can be collected at meetings to defray the cost of purchasing videos.
  • The third step is to notify the Video Satsang program coordinator that you are hosting a video satsang group. We can then add you to our list so that people in your local area can find out where video satsang is happening. In addition to listing your contact number and email address on the website, the Program Coordinator can answer any questions you might have, and assist you in publicizing your meeting. We recommend creating a meeting announcement that you can give to friends, post in appropriate locations, send via email or postal mail, and also perhaps include in local publications or web sites.
    Please contact Joey: 541 201 0900 x105 or

The following are only suggestions. You and your group should feel free to use your own judgement and create whatever is appropriate for your group.

  • Set up the space to be respectful, simple, and as beautiful as possible.
  • Start with 15 minutes or so of silence.Have a place for brochures, an up-to-date schedule, and other material with Foundation telephone numbers and the website address.
  • Provide a container for donations.
  • At an appropriate time, you may also wish to make an announcement about donations for supporting your local costs, as well as donations for supporting Leela Foundation programs worldwide.
  • Some groups leave in silence after the video; others finish with talk and sharing, or a potluck meal together.
  • What we ask is that your group honor the sacred space created by your coming together, regardless of the specific activity that follows the video.
  •  If you like, offer tea and cookies or other snacks such as fruit and nuts after the video.
  •  If you are sending in donations or other correspondence to the Foundation by postal mail, be sure to specify “Video Satsang” on the envelope.

US Video Satsang

Rita Ehrat |  city: Los Angeles/South Bay | |  (310) 912-8416

Here is a link to a list of the current video satsang groups in Europe


“When you can recognize who you are not, then there is a possibility to wake up and discover who you really are.”