Eli on Your Local TV Station

You can watch “Meetings with Eli” on television. Across the world, volunteers have brought “Meeting with Eli” and “Meeting with Gangaji & Eli” to their local area through their local tv stations. In the US through CATV (Community Access Television), in other countries you can check with your local tv stations. Nowadays televison programs are also broadcasted via internet, so there are many ways you can connect with Eli.

To see if there are showings in your area, check the complete listing below.

How to Participate

Local television is an excellent way to introduce Eli and Gangaji to your community, and offer the possibility of realizing true peace and freedom. If you are interested in becoming a local host in your area, we are happy to support you. Outlined below are the basic steps to becoming a host.

  • Contact your local TV station and let them know you are interested in putting a series on your local community access channel. Most stations will then give you an application to complete. The following is some information that might come in handy for you as you complete the application:
    • Program title
      A Meeting with Eli (or A Meeting with Gangaji & Eli)
    • Program description
      These meetings transmit the possibility of a life lived in natural freedom and joy. Participants engage in dialogue for confirmation, clarification, and deepening insight.
    • Episode length
      We have 1-hour episodes available.
    • Request a program timeslot
      Try to secure one of the better time slots. Mon-Fri between 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm is best
  • Find out what format your local channel requires. The Leela Foundation now  provides DVD format only.
  • Once the show has been accepted, we will send you a full series of TV episodes (13 DVDs) for you to bring in to your local station. Once your station has finished airing these shows, please let us know and we will send you a new series.
  • Contact us with the listing information so we can post it on the Leela website. Include city, state, cable company, channel, date and time, and station website if available.

If you have any questions or need additional support in getting your programs on the air, please feel free to contact our office in your region.


  Community Access TV with Eli Weekly Listings
Updated August 2018
Akaku: Maui Community Television
Channel 55
Random showings. Check showtime with keyword Eli on:
Rogue Valley Community TV (RVTV)
Channel 15
Comcast Cable
Channel 22/23
Wednesdays  6 PM, Channel 22
Saturdays 11 AM, Channel 23


“When you can recognize who you are not, then there is a possibility to wake up and discover who you really are.”