A poem by Michael

by | Jan 8, 2012 | Letters & Poems

Lunch With Eli

The master fed the servant With simple elegance No wasted words were spoken As he softly plied his dance His presence was so natural No footprint fell to ground More like the early morning Breathing ether into sound

A piano full of soulful jazz Played quiet afterthoughts Evoking dreams of city life And bowled forget-me-nots

What pleasure in just being In the presence of this man Who understands the Tao of Life The flow of nature’s plan His gratitude and endless love Expressed by simply being Was the wonder of the moment In the light of his revealing I bless the day he found me And the day that I found him Until my final earthly breath This memory won’t dim Michael


“When you can recognize who you are not, then there is a possibility to wake up and discover who you really are.”